// ************************** GLOBAL VARS *********************************// // A table to cache the outerHTML of the _rtf elements before the rollover // state is applied. var gv_preRolloverTextCache = new Object(); // A table to store all the vertical alignments of all the parents of the text // objects. var gv_vAlignTable = new Object(); // ************************************************************************// //Check if IE var bIE = false; if ((index = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")) >= 0) { bIE = true; } //Make insertAdjacentElement work for Netscape if(typeof HTMLElement!="undefined" && !HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentElement) { HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentElement = function(where,pnode) { switch (where) { case 'beforeBegin': this.parentNode.insertBefore(pnode,this) break; case 'afterBegin': this.insertBefore(pnode,this.firstChild); break; case 'beforeEnd': this.appendChild(pnode); break; case 'afterEnd': if (this.nextSibling) this.parentNode.insertBefore(pnode,this.nextSibling); else this.parentNode.appendChild(pnode); break; } } HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML = function(where,html) { var range = this.ownerDocument.createRange(); range.setStartBefore(this); var phtml = range.createContextualFragment(html); this.insertAdjacentElement(where,phtml) } } var MaxZIndex = 1000; //Get the id of the Workflow Dialog belonging to element with id = id function Workflow(id) { return id+'WF'; } //Get the id of the Workflow Description Box belonging to element with id = id function WorkflowDescBox(id) { return id+'WFDesc'; } //Get the id of the Element Description belonging to element with id = id function WorkflowElementDesc(id) { return id+'d'; } function BringToFront(id) { var target = document.getElementById(id); if (target == null) return; MaxZIndex = MaxZIndex + 1; target.style.zIndex = MaxZIndex ; } function HideElement(id) { var source = document.getElementById(id); source.style.visibility = "hidden"; RefreshScreen(); } function RefreshScreen() { var oldColor = document.body.style.backgroundColor; var setColor = (oldColor=="rgb(0,0,0)")?"#FFFFFF":"#000000"; document.body.style.backgroundColor = setColor; document.body.style.backgroundColor = oldColor; } function getAbsoluteLeft(node) { var currentNode=node; var left=0; while(currentNode.tagName!="BODY"){ left+=currentNode.offsetLeft; currentNode=currentNode.offsetParent; } return left; } function getAbsoluteTop(node) { var currentNode=node; var top=0; while(currentNode.tagName!="BODY"){ top+=currentNode.offsetTop; currentNode=currentNode.offsetParent; } return top; } function ToggleWorkflow(event, id, width, height, hasWorkflow) { SuppressBubble(event); var target = document.getElementById(Workflow(id)); if (target.style.visibility == "visible") {HideElement(Workflow(id));} else { var source = document.getElementById(id + "Note"); BringToFront(target.id); var bufferH = 10; var bufferV = 10; var blnLeft = false; var blnAbove = false; height = height + 30; var sourceLeft; var sourceTop; if (bIE) { sourceTop = window.event.y + document.body.scrollTop; sourceLeft = window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; } else { sourceTop = event.pageY; sourceLeft = event.pageX; } if (sourceLeft > width + bufferH + document.body.scrollLeft) { blnLeft = true; } if (sourceTop > height + bufferV + document.body.scrollTop) { blnAbove = true; } DrawAnnotation(target.id, width, height); var descBox = document.getElementById(WorkflowDescBox(id)); if (descBox.innerHTML == '') ShowDescription(id, id + 'base', ''); if (blnAbove) target.style.top = sourceTop - height; else target.style.top = sourceTop; if (blnLeft) target.style.left = sourceLeft - width; else target.style.left = sourceLeft; } RefreshScreen(); } function DrawAnnotation(id, width, height) { var target = document.getElementById(id); target.style.width = width; target.style.height = height; var btnClose = document.getElementById(id+'Close'); var crop = document.getElementById(id+'Crop'); var desc = document.getElementById(id+'Desc'); var label = document.getElementById(id+'Label'); var resize = document.getElementById(id+'Resize'); var heightCell = document.getElementById(id+'Height'); label.style.left = 10; label.style.top = 4; label.style.width = width - 30; if(bIE) { btnClose.style.left = width - 18; btnClose.style.top = 7; //desc.style.left = 4; //desc.style.top = 24; //desc.style.width = width - 8; desc.style.height = height - 31; resize.style.left = width - 15; resize.style.top = height - 15; } else { heightCell.style.height = height - 40; btnClose.style.left = width - 18; btnClose.style.top = 7; //desc.style.left = 4; //desc.style.top = 24; //desc.style.width = width - 20; desc.style.height = height - 31; resize.style.left = width - 15; resize.style.top = height - 15; } target.style.visibility = "visible"; } function ShowDescription(id, WFE, CurrentWFE) { var source = document.getElementById(WorkflowElementDesc(WFE)); var target = frames[WorkflowDescBox(id)]; target.document.body.innerHTML = source.innerHTML; //var element = document.getElementById(WFE); //if (element != null) {element.style.border = "thin solid yellow"}; } function ToggleLinks(event, linksid) { var links = document.getElementById(linksid); if (links.style.visibility == "visible") {HideElement(linksid);} else { if (bIE) { links.style.top = window.event.y + document.body.scrollTop; links.style.left = window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; } else { links.style.top = event.pageY; links.style.left = event.pageX; } links.style.visibility = "visible"; BringToFront(linksid); } RefreshScreen(); } var objDrag = new Object(); objDrag.zIndex = 0; function StartDrag(event, id) { var x, y; objDrag.elNode = document.getElementById(id); if (bIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } else { x = event.pageX; y = event.pageY; } objDrag.cursorStartX = x; objDrag.cursorStartY = y; objDrag.elStartLeft = parseInt(objDrag.elNode.style.left, 10); objDrag.elStartTop = parseInt(objDrag.elNode.style.top, 10); BringToFront(objDrag.elNode.id); if (bIE) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", Drag); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", StopDrag); } else { document.addEventListener("mousemove", Drag, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", StopDrag, true); } SuppressBubble(event); } function Drag(event) { var x, y; if (bIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } else { x = event.pageX; y = event.pageY; } objDrag.elNode.style.left = (objDrag.elStartLeft + x - objDrag.cursorStartX) + "px"; objDrag.elNode.style.top = (objDrag.elStartTop + y - objDrag.cursorStartY) + "px"; SuppressBubble(event); } function StopDrag(event) { objDrag.elNode = null; if (bIE) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", Drag); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", StopDrag); } else { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", Drag, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", StopDrag, true); } } var objResize = Object(); function StartResize(event, id) { var el; var x, y; var element = document.getElementById(id); if(bIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } else { x = event.pageX; y = event.pageY; } objResize.id = id; objResize.cursorStartX = x; objResize.cursorStartY = y; objResize.startWidth = parseInt(element.style.width); objResize.startHeight = parseInt(element.style.height); if (bIE) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", Resize); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", StopResize); } else { document.addEventListener("mousemove", Resize, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", StopResize, true); } } function Resize(event) { var x, y; if(bIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } else { x = event.pageX; y = event.pageY; } width = objResize.startWidth + x - objResize.cursorStartX; if (width < 100) {width = 100}; height = objResize.startHeight + y - objResize.cursorStartY; if (height < 100) {height = 100}; DrawAnnotation(objResize.id, width, height); SuppressBubble(event); } function StopResize(event) { objResize.id = null; if(bIE) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", Resize); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", StopResize); } else { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", Resize, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", StopResize, true); } } var Forms = document.getElementsByTagName("FORM"); for (var i = 0; i < Forms.length; i++) { var Form = Forms(i); Form.onclick = SuppressBubble; } function SuppressBubble(event) { if (bIE) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } else { if (event) { event.stopPropagation(); } } } function IsTrueMouseOut(idNoSpace, e) { if (!e) var e = window.event; var tg = (window.event) ? e.srcElement : e.target; if (tg.id != idNoSpace && tg.id != 'o' + idNoSpace) return false; while (tg.nodeName != 'HTML') { if (tg.style.visibility == 'hidden') return false; tg = tg.parentNode; } var reltg = (e.relatedTarget) ? e.relatedTarget : e.toElement; while (reltg != null && reltg.nodeName != 'HTML') { var id = reltg.id var i = id.indexOf('Links') if (i > 0) { if (id.substring(0,i) == tg.id) { return false; } } reltg = reltg.parentNode; if (reltg.id == idNoSpace) return false; } return true; } function IsTrueMouseOver(idNoSpace, e) { if (!e) var e = window.event; var tg = (window.event) ? e.srcElement : e.target; if (tg.id != idNoSpace && tg.id != 'o' + idNoSpace) return false; var reltg = (e.relatedTarget) ? e.relatedTarget : e.fromElement; while (reltg != null && reltg.nodeName != 'HTML') { var id = reltg.id var i = id.indexOf('Links') if (i > 0) { if (id.substring(0,i) == tg.id) { return false; } } reltg= reltg.parentNode if (reltg.id == idNoSpace) return false; } return true; } function NewWindow(hyperlink, name, features, center, width, height) { if(center) { var winl = (screen.width - width) / 2; var wint = (screen.height - height) / 2; features = features + ', left=' + winl + ', top=' + wint; } window.open(hyperlink, name, features); } var annwindow = "document.body.insertAdjacentHTML(\"afterBegin\", \"
\");" function GetDynamicPanelScript(dpId, numberStates) { var s = "var currentState" + dpId + " = document.getElementById(\"pd0" + dpId + "\"); function SetPanelVisibility" + dpId + "(visibility) { document.getElementById(\"" + dpId + "\").style.visibility = visibility; if (visibility == \"hidden\") {"; for (var i = 0; i < numberStates; i++) { s = s + "document.getElementById(\"pd" + i + dpId + "\").style.visibility = visibility; document.getElementById(\"pd" + i + dpId + "NoteContainer\").style.visibility = visibility;"; } s = s + "} else { currentState" + dpId + ".style.visibility = visibility; document.getElementById(currentState" + dpId + ".id + \"NoteContainer\").style.visibility = visibility; } } "; s = s + "function SetPanelState" + dpId + "(stateid) { SetPanelVisibility" + dpId + "(\"hidden\"); document.getElementById(\"" + dpId + "\").style.visibility = \"\"; currentState" + dpId + " = document.getElementById(stateid); currentState" + dpId + ".style.visibility = \"\"; document.getElementById(stateid + \"NoteContainer\").style.visibility = \"\"; }"; return s; } function ParentWindowNeedsReload(newPageName) { var reload = false; try { var oldParentUrl = top.opener.window.location.href.split("#")[0]; var lastslash = oldParentUrl.lastIndexOf("/"); if (lastslash > 0) { oldParentUrl = oldParentUrl.substring(lastslash + 1, oldParentUrl.length); if (oldParentUrl == encodeURI(newPageName)) { reload = true; } } } catch (e) {} return reload; } // ****************** Sim Functions ****************** // function SetCheckState(id, value) { var boolValue = Boolean(value); document.getElementById(id).checked = boolValue; } function SetSelectedOption(id, value) { document.getElementById(id).value = value; } function SetGlobalVariableValue(id, value) { if (value.length > 200) { value = value.substring(0,200); } eval(id +' = value'); try { eval('if (top.opener) { top.opener.' + id + ' = value }'); } catch (e) {} } function SetWidgetFormText(id, value) { var value = PopulateVariables(value); document.getElementById(id).value = value; } function SetWidgetRichText(id, value) { var value = PopulateVariables(value); var rtfElement = document.getElementById(id + '_rtf'); var oldHeight = rtfElement.offsetHeight; rtfElement.innerHTML = value; var newHeight = rtfElement.offsetHeight; var container = document.getElementById(id); var oldTop = Number(container.style.top.replace("px", "")); var vAlign = gv_vAlignTable[id]; if (vAlign == "center") { var newTop = oldTop -(newHeight - oldHeight)/2; container.style.top = newTop + 'px'; } else if (vAlign == "bottom") { var newTop = oldTop - newHeight + oldHeight; container.style.top = newTop + 'px'; } // do nothing if the alignment is top } function GetCheckState(id) { return document.getElementById(id).checked; } function GetSelectedOption(id) { return document.getElementById(id).value; } function GetGlobalVariableValue(id) { return eval (id); } function GetGlobalVariableLength(id) { return GetGlobalVariableValue(id).length; } function GetWidgetFormText(id) { return document.getElementById(id).value; } function GetWidgetValueLength(id) { return document.getElementById(id).value.length; } // ***************** Validation Functions ***************** // function IsValueAlpha(val) { return /^[a-z\s]+$/gi.test(val); } function IsValueNumeric(val) { return /^[0-9,\.\s]+$/gi.test(val); } function IsValueAlphaNumeric(val) { return /^[0-9a-z\s]+$/gi.test(val); } function IsValueOneOf(val, values) { for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { var option = values[i]; if (val == option) return true; } // by default, return false return false; } // ****************** Rollover Functions ****************** // function SwapOut(id, textid, textRolloverJson, bringToFront) { document.getElementById('o' + id).style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('r' + id).style.visibility = ''; ApplyTextRollover(textid, textRolloverJson); if (bringToFront) {BringToFront('r' + id); BringToFront(id + 'container'); BringToFront(id); BringToFront(id + 'ann');} } function SwapBack(id, textid) { document.getElementById('r' + id).style.visibility = 'hidden' document.getElementById('o' + id).style.visibility = '' RemoveTextRollover(textid); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ApplyTextRollover // // Applies a rollover style to a text element. // id : the id of the text object to set. // styleProperties : an object mapping style properties to values. eg: // { 'fontWeight' : 'bold', // 'fontStyle' : 'italic' } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ApplyTextRollover(id, styleProperties) { if (gv_preRolloverTextCache[id]) return; CachePreRolloverText(id); var rtfElement = document.getElementById(id + '_rtf'); var oldHeight = rtfElement.offsetHeight; for (var prop in styleProperties) { ApplyTextProperty(rtfElement, prop, styleProperties[prop]); } // now handle vertical alignment var newHeight = rtfElement.offsetHeight; var container = document.getElementById(id); var oldTop = Number(container.style.top.replace("px", "")); var vAlign = gv_vAlignTable[id]; if (vAlign == "center") { var newTop = oldTop -(newHeight - oldHeight)/2; container.style.top = newTop + 'px'; } else if (vAlign == "bottom") { var newTop = oldTop - newHeight + oldHeight; container.style.top = newTop + 'px'; } // do nothing if the alignment is top //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ApplyStyleRecursive // // Applies a style recursively to all span and div tags including elementNode // and all of its children. // // element : the element to apply the style to // styleName : the name of the style property to set (eg. 'font-weight') // styleValue : the value of the style to set (eg. 'bold') //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ApplyStyleRecursive(element, styleName, styleValue) { var nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span') { element.style[styleName] = styleValue; } for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { ApplyStyleRecursive(element.childNodes[i], styleName, styleValue); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ApplyTextProperty // // Applies a text property to rtfElement. // // rtfElement : the the root text element of the rtf object (this is the // element named _rtf // prop : the style property to set. // value : the style value to set. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ApplyTextProperty(rtfElement, prop, value) { var oldHtml = rtfElement.innerHTML; if (prop == 'fontWeight') { rtfElement.innerHTML = oldHtml.replace(/< *b *\/?>/gi, ""); } else if (prop == 'fontStyle') { rtfElement.innerHTML = oldHtml.replace(/< *i *\/?>/gi, ""); } else if (prop == 'textDecoration') { rtfElement.innerHTML = oldHtml.replace(/< *u *\/?>/gi, ""); } for (var i = 0; i < rtfElement.childNodes.length; i++) { ApplyStyleRecursive(rtfElement.childNodes[i], prop, value); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetAndCachePreRolloverText // // Gets the html for the pre-rollover state and returns the Html representing // the Rich text. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CachePreRolloverText(id) { var rtfElement = document.getElementById(id + '_rtf'); var container = document.getElementById(id); var cacheObject = new Object(); cacheObject.innerHTML = rtfElement.innerHTML; cacheObject.top = container.style.top; gv_preRolloverTextCache[id] = cacheObject; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RemoveTextRollover // // Removes the text rollover on an id. // // id : the id of the text element. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function RemoveTextRollover(id) { var cacheObject = gv_preRolloverTextCache[id]; if (cacheObject) { var rtfElement = document.getElementById(id + '_rtf'); var container = document.getElementById(id); rtfElement.innerHTML = cacheObject.innerHTML; container.style.top = cacheObject.top; gv_preRolloverTextCache[id] = null; } }